A Comprehensive Guide on Relocating Snakes

Charlottesville snake

Most of the snakes that are being captured in the community are beneficial and harmless. They will then be relocated in a short distance according to the request of the homeowners. Relocating them miles away in unfamiliar territory will put their lives in peril. There is a low possibility for them to survive due to the predator's presence and food scarcity. The snake removal experts will stuff them gently inside a snake bucket and escort them in an environment that offers them high survivability rates.

Where Should I Relocate Snake?
Relocating the snakes is not necessarily a death sentence. By carefully choosing the suitable and appropriate habitat for the snake, you will give it a higher chance of surviving in a new environment. Make sure that the snake will be least exposed to sickness and predators in its new location. Also, be sure that there will be enough food sources for the snake to make sure that it will remain nourished while trying to adjust to its new relocation site. The new home should not be far from where the reptile was found but should be far enough to keep you safe from potential harm. There are also instances when there are refuge sites for the snakes near you. Also, call your animal control department to be aware of the existing regulations when relocating animals.

What Are the Regulations in Relocating Snakes?
You should be aware that all local reptiles are protected under the law. Therefore, snakes that are found on the development sites will be scheduled for relocation. Unfortunately, there is little to no information about the fate of these animals. In some instances, snakes will be fitted with a radio tag that will track their movement for at least ten days. Before you even remove the snake from its site, you should carry a Wildlife Management Permit.

To secure a permit from the agency, you will be asked to provide any documentation that states that you can handle and capture venomous snakes. You should also have a first-aid certificate. The security arrangement that you prepared to transport the trapped snake will also be considered. If preparing all the requirements seems to be a hassle, allow the experts to handle the relocation process.

Will the Relocated Snakes Return to My Home?
After observing the relocated snakes' movement, experts found out that male snakes have a higher motion rate than females. The male species will go through a long and unidirectional distance away from the site of release. There were even instances when the male snake was able to return to its original location. On the other hand, the female snakes will remain within 50m from the released site.

If this is your first time relocating a snake, any wrong decisions you will make can harm this animal. It will not only increase their mortality risk, but it also decreases the possibility of establishing their population. Therefore, you should allow the experts to do it. They have the skills, resources, and knowledge to boost the animal's survival rate by choosing the right relocation site.

Effective Ways to Kill Snakes
Before we even explore this topic, let us remind you that we don't endorse the killing of snakes. With proper education about the behavior and biology of snakes, you will understand how essential they are to our environment. Additionally, only a small fraction of them will carry the lethal venom. Most, if not all, of the snakes captured within your residential property, are harmless. However, there may be some instances when you have no option but to kill the snake. For example, if the snake is putting your kid's or pet's life in peril or if it is showing signs of zoonotic illnesses.

How Do You Kill Snakes?
When you have no choice but to kill snakes, we prefer using the most humane methods. We do not recommend poisons and toxic fumes that will have a detrimental effect on human health and the environment.

Is Decapitation a Recommended Method in Killing Snakes?
Cranial Concussion, as long as a professional person performs it, is an acceptable method of killing the snakes. It will immediately be followed by destroying the brains. You will need a machete or any sharp tools in killing the reptile. You need to make sure that the tool you will use can immediately sever the animal's head from its body. Be sure that you will destroy their brain quickly after doing this, either by using a captive bolt or a firearm. Since it requires skills and different tools, we do not advise the average person to conduct this.

Is Using Firearms A Humane Method to Kill Snakes?
There are different considerations that you need to make when killing the snake using a firearm. The caliber should be enough to make the process effective yet safe. It should not be too powerful since it has a possibility that the bullet will ricochet. Additionally, you must also check the local rules and regulations. Usually, the use of firearms is prohibited in a densely populated community. Another issue in using a gun is that it would be challenging to shoot a moving target. You need to hit it on its head to ensure that it will die immediately.

What is Captive Bolt?
Captive bolt can only be used when someone is holding the animal in place. You need to be an expert to do this. You will need to place the captive bolt at the right position in the head at the right angle before activating it. With this, you should be able to kill the animal immediately.

Regardless of the method you will use, make sure that it will lead to the animal's immediate loss of consciousness. You must also destroy the brain of the animal to inflict the least amount of suffering and pain. Remember that killing should only be your last resort. You should try to capture or exclude the snake first. Usually, snakes will not be active in a place with human activity. Try to give it enough space to move, and it will leave your property voluntarily. Go back to the home page: Snakes of Charlottesville